Promoting School-Wide Literacy

With a focus on standardized testing and increased rigor--- engagement, motivation, and student choice can easily be overlooked.  However, in a balanced literacy program, these still remain very present. As educators, we see the importance of promoting a love for reading. We want our students to read more and from a variety of genres. We want them to build vocabulary and fluency so they can become strong readers both professionally and for pleasure. Creating confident, lifelong readers doesn't just happen. It takes a school-wide effort. Motivation and Engagement are KEY! As a reading specialist, my job is to instill a love of reading within my building for both children and adults.

Encourage Read Alouds

I don't care how old you are, listening to someone read aloud is magical. I still love sitting in a teacher's classroom listening to them read to their students. Students can gain so many wonderful things from a read-aloud (vocabulary, comprehension skills and strategies, and the model of good reading). I love to bring in guest readers and authors. While your students love to listen to you read, there is something special and exciting about having someone else do it.

Having Literacy Rich Environments

Most of my teachers begin the year with bare walls. While I get that this is not ideal for the cutesy themed classroom we all dream of, it is so important for students to make the materials. Students are more likely to use an anchor chart and refer back to it if they have had a part in making it. It is also important to have consistent visuals/ reminders for students K-5. For example, we have the same vowel charts, cueing strategies, and blends/digraph word wall throughout our school. This is SO important because children do not have to relearn them the next year.

Reading Related Events at School

This is such a biggie. I could do an entire post on this alone (maybe I will). When students see that reading can be fun and their teachers enjoy reading #gamechanger!! I try to host both during and after school events. I enjoy the after school events the most because it brings families together to enjoy reading.

Encourage Summer Reading

We work so hard with our students all year only to have some of them return to us not reading where they were. We know it as the summer slide. Encouraging summer reading will help ensure that students read during the summer. I love hosting “Summer Reading Kick-Off” to get kids exciting about reading over the summer. They usually revolve around a theme and if 80% of the students return their summer reading challenge, we have a big ol’ party to celebrate!

Set Aside Time to Read

Set aside time for students to read independently or even better set up a buddy program with an older/younger grade level. Students need time to just ENJOY reading. I am a firm believer in letting students read whatever they want, whenever they want. Do you want to motivate your students to read? Don’t limit them to a level or genre! Promoting literacy school-wide is definitely a passion of mine. I could write about it for days. The main thing to remember is to find ways to make reading fun and encourage your team/school to do the same. It takes a schoolwide effort to really show students a love for reading. I have included some reading event ideas with pictures below. I am happy to share any templates or resources I have used for these! Drop a comment in the box below and I will send them you! I would also love to hear what you are doing at your schools to promote literacy school-wide.




3rd Grade Mystery Files