Decodable or Leveled?

Common Misconceptions

  1. Decodable texts are boring and not engaging.

  2. Decodable texts lack student interest.

  3. Students should memorize the predictable pattern in leveled texts.

  4. Students should rely heavily on the picture to figure out the word.


What is a decodable text?

A decodable text is a sentence, passage, or book that is based on a specific phonics pattern. They allow students to focus on the phonics code they have been taught, rather than relying on guessing, pictures, or memorizing the words. The purpose of a decodable text is to allow students the practice they need in context with the phonics skill they have been working on.

What is a leveled text?

Leveled texts are highly predictable in nature and have a variety of high-frequency words. They focus on themes, text structures, and literary elements. They are often leveled by numbers or letters.

Does it matter?

Trying to figure out a way to help her first-grade child, she explores the gap between the reading science and how her child is actually being taught to read.

How do I scaffold decodable texts?

Sometimes our kiddos struggle when we first put them into decodable texts. It’s okay! This is normal and TEMPORARY. Try these easy steps to help you and your kiddos get over the hump!


Let’s examine the difference

Have you ever spent time exploring both decodable and leveled text? Let’s take a look! What makes a decodable text powerful and how can leveled texts actually hinder your students’ decoding skills?

DO you need some decodable resources? DOwnload some freebies and my favorite decodable recommendations below.

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Module 6